Did you know that by shopping at Ralphs, you, your family members, and friends can help support your student's 6th grade Outdoor Education costs?! In order for this to happen, you must do the following first:
- Ask for a Shopper’s Card at Ralphs, if you don’t have one already.
- Create an account at www.ralphs.com and link your Ralphs Shopper’s card. Once you link your Card to Greentree, all you have to do is shop at Ralphs and swipe your Shopper’s Card.
- Re-register every September in the Ralphs Community Contribution Program and name Greentree as the receiving school.
- Print Quarterly Statement (from online) and bring them to the school office EACH QUARTER, along with the name of student to credit. This is the ONLY WAY the school will know how much to credit your student. We have been told by parents that Ralphs no longer lets you go back and see previous quarters, and they will not provide this information to you, so it is important that you print your contribution report each quarter. The school cannot do this for you, due to privacy laws.
Registration instructions can be found at www.ralphs.com. Click on “Savings,” then click on “Community Contribution Program.” Or click on the link below.
Here is the link: https://www.ralphs.com/i/community/community-contribution-program
Thank you, Greentree Elementary School