
S - Stop, Think, Solve  •  O - Own Your Actions  •  A - Act With Integrity  •  R - Respect Others

What is School-wide PBIS?

Positive behavior support is an application of a behaviorally-based systems approach to enhance the capacity of schools, families, and communities to design effective environments that improve the link between research-validated practices and the environments in which teaching and learning occur.

Attention is focused on creating and sustaining primary (school-wide), secondary (classroom), and tertiary (individual) systems of support that improve lifestyle results (personal, health, social, family, work, recreation) for all children by making targeted behaviors less effective, efficient, and relevant, and desired behavior more functional.


Why is it so important to focus on teaching positive social behaviors?

Research has shown that the implementation of punishment, especially when it is used inconsistently and in the absence of other positive strategies, is ineffective. Introducing, modeling, and reinforcing positive social behavior is an important step of a student's educational experience. Teaching behavioral expectations and rewarding students for following them is a much more positive approach than waiting for misbehavior to occur before responding. The purpose of school-wide PBIS is to establish a climate in which appropriate behavior is the norm.


What is a systems approach in school-wide PBIS?

The school-wide PBIS process emphasizes the creation of systems that support the adoption and durable implementation of evidence-based practices and procedures, and fit within on-going school reform efforts. An interactive approach that includes opportunities to correct and improve four key elements is used in school-wide PBIS focusing on: 1) Outcomes, 2) Data, 3) Practices, and 4) Systems.

Outcomes: academic & behavior targets that are endorsed & emphasized by students, families &teachers.

Practices: interventions and strategies that are evidence based.  

Data: information that is used to identify status, need for change, and effects of interventions.

Systems: supports that are needed to enable the accurate & durable implementation of PBIS practices.
