Principal's Message

Dear Greentree Families and Students,

My staff and I welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! With your children as our connection, we will spend the year growing and learning, laughing and celebrating, planning and communicating.

We look forward to an exciting and rewarding year as we SOAR together in this educational endeavor.

Greentree is a shining example of what can happen when educators, parents and the community work together in the best interests of children. It is a privilege to work collaboratively with you on this endeavor and I am convinced that Greentree’s strong academic, fine arts and values education programs will continue to exceed our highest expectations.

We value a solid partnership with each family and I want to personally invite you to take an active role in your child’s education.  There are many opportunities for you to participate, ranging from being a V.I.T.A.L. parent volunteer to membership on our School Site Council and in our Parent Teacher Association (PTA).  You can dedicate as little or as much time as your personal schedule allows. 

Please read all school notices that are sent electronically and in hard copy form, as well as check our website often for other opportunities to become involved with our school.

The staff and I extend a special thanks to the many dedicated and supportive parents who give copious amounts of their precious time and energy to make many school-wide events, activities, and services possible. We are extremely fortunate to have such enthusiastic parent and community support.

On behalf of the entire Greentree Elementary School staff, we welcome you to our school!


Tamara Brown, Principal